---------------------------------------------------------------- RuneWord Wizard - Unofficial Update by IVBela ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contains all official runewords as of 16/08/2005. The v1.10, Realm Only, Ladder Only and v1.11 runewords are marked so. Some of them has different stats in different item types, those are marked with [1] and [2]. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RuneWord Wizard - Version 1.3.3b Freeware E-Mail: sprudlng@online.no Webpage: http://www.diabloii.net/files/runewizard.shtml ---------------------------------------------------------------- Known bugs: -------------- - Using a larger font size than the windows default (96 dpi), will (of course) make all the text bigger, and this will have some unwanted side-effects. Like some of the runes not showing. I've not tested this myself with the latest version, but I think it's still there. - Sometimes one (or more) of the controls just won't show up correctly (or not at all) for some reason when starting the program. Just minimize the Wizard and restore it again or just restart it. This will make it/them show up as they're supposed to. Version History: ------------------- v1.3.3b - Removed Pattern, Duress and Famine from the runeword datafile v1.3.3 - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused an assertion when the runeword datafile contained less than 24 runewords. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused only the first 24 runewords to be loaded. (Really the same fix as the one above) - Added 3 runewords (Duress, Famine and Pattern) v1.3.2 - New Feature: Rightclicking in the rune/item/runeword list will show that info in the modswindow. - Bugfix: Fixed a bug where some runes didn't show up. If it still doesn't work for you, please send me an email with a screenshot of the problem - Bugfix: Fixed a minor bug with creating a new character - Updated some runewords v1.3.1 - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the last selected runeword to be shown in the mods window and the statusbar when no runewords where listed. - Improvement: Added About dialog - Improvement: Added 'Last Updated' info to each of the datafiles (The date can be shown in the about dialog) v1.3.0 - Totally rewritten the entire application - Improvement: Added support for multiple characters - Improvement: Added some filters - Improvement: Added option to show runeinfo or runewordinfo in the mods window - Improvement: Added tooltips for runes and runewords - Improvement: Added statusbar to show some info about selected rune, item and runeword - Improvement: Everything is now saved on exit v1.2.6 - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the list of runewords to be updated even though no checkboxes had been checked/unchecked - Bugfix: Minor correction in the mods of the runeword 'Black' - Improvement: Added exception handling to prevent memory leaks if unexpected errors should occur (Like if someone screws with one or more of the textfiles) - Change: Rewritten some of the code (hopefully not noticeable) - Change: Changed 'buttons of the left' to 'buttons on the right' in the 'How does it work' section of this readme :] v1.2.4 - New feature: When clicking on a button and all runes/items that the button is supposed to check already are checked, they will all be unchecked instead. (Except for the select all/none buttons) - Change: Made the window larger, to reduce the need for scrollbars (If you don't like it taking this much space, please tell me) v1.2.0 - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the list of runewords not to always be updated when using the buttons - Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused a runeword to be listed as possible for an item even though the max number of sockets possible for that item was lower than the number of runes in the runeword - Bugfix: Fixed a harmless bug in version header of the executable (Can be accessed by right-clicking on the executable, then selecting 'Properties' and clicking on the 'Version' tab) - Improvement: Added button 'All Defence' that selects all non-weapon items: Armors, Helms and Shields - Change: Some minor changes (You'll probably not even notice them) v1.1.2 - Improvement: Made checking of runes/items by clicking on one of the buttons MUCH faster - Change: Changed 'Katars' to 'Claws' v1.1.0 - New feature: Added ability to filter the runewords listed by which items they are allowed in v1.0.0 - Initial release Other information: --------------------- As soon as more runewords are discovered a new version of 'runewords.dat' will be available on the web. If for some reason the webpage is down, you could just email me and I'll send it to you. If you have some suggestions, proof of a working runeword not listed or some other feedback, please send me an email All info regarding the maximum sockets possible in itemtypes comes from Arreat Summit (www.battle.net/diablo2exp) The latest version of this util and it's datafiles can always be found on the webpage Troubleshooting: ------------------- Some people are still having problems with some runes not showing up. If you're on of them, try resetting all the windows display settings to default.